Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.ebnf.ast |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.ebnf.ast that return ProductionDecl | |
ProductionDecl |
Constructors in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.ebnf.ast with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
Binding.ProductionBinding(ProductionDefAST declaringSite,
ProductionDecl production)
Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.grammar |
Subclasses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.grammar | |
class |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.grammar that return ProductionDecl | |
ProductionDecl |
GrammarFactory.createProduction(String id,
NonTerminalDecl left,
List<? extends VariableDecl> right,
Priority priority,
VersionDecl version)
ProductionDecl |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.grammar that return types with arguments of type ProductionDecl | |
Collection<? extends ProductionDecl> |
Collection<? extends ProductionDecl> |
Map<ProductionDecl,? extends EBNFSyntheticType> |
List<? extends ProductionDecl> |
Map<NonTerminalDecl,? extends List<ProductionDecl>> |
Map<NonTerminalDecl,? extends Collection<? extends ProductionDecl>> |
Map<NonTerminalDecl,? extends Collection<? extends ProductionDecl>> |
Method parameters in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.grammar with type arguments of type ProductionDecl | |
Set<NonTerminalDecl> |
GrammarChecker.getAccessible(Map<NonTerminalDecl,? extends List<ProductionDecl>> productionMap,
Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> starts)
Set<NonTerminalDecl> |
GrammarChecker.getProducing(Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> nonTerminals,
Map<NonTerminalDecl,? extends List<ProductionDecl>> productionMap)
Constructors in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.grammar with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
Grammar.MarkedProduction(ProductionDecl production,
int position)
Constructor parameters in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.grammar with type arguments of type ProductionDecl | |
Grammar(List<? extends ProductionDecl> prod,
Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> starts)
Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.lalr |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.lalr with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
LR0Item |
LALRTableFactoryMethod.createStartItem(ProductionDecl production,
TerminalDecl eof)
Method parameters in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.lalr with type arguments of type ProductionDecl | |
Grammar |
LALRTableFactoryMethod.buildGrammar(Collection<? extends ProductionDecl> productions,
Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> starts,
TerminalDecl eof)
Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.lr |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.lr that return ProductionDecl | |
ProductionDecl |
LRGrammarAugmenter.getAugmentingProduction(NonTerminalDecl start,
TerminalDecl eof)
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.lr with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
LR1Item |
LRTableFactoryMethod.createStartItem(ProductionDecl production,
TerminalDecl eof)
Method parameters in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.lr with type arguments of type ProductionDecl | |
Grammar |
LRTableFactoryMethod.buildGrammar(Collection<? extends ProductionDecl> productions,
Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> starts,
TerminalDecl eof)
Constructors in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.lr with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
LR1Item(ProductionDecl p,
int dotPlace,
TerminalDecl lookahead)
LR1Item(ProductionDecl p,
TerminalDecl lookahead)
Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.parser |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.parser that return ProductionDecl | |
ProductionDecl |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.parser with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
ReduceActionDecl |
ActionDeclFactory.getReduce(ProductionDecl production)
Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.slr |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.slr that return ProductionDecl | |
ProductionDecl |
SLRGrammarAugmenter.getAugmentingProduction(NonTerminalDecl start,
TerminalDecl eof)
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.slr with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
LR0Item |
SLRTableFactoryMethod.createStartItem(ProductionDecl production,
TerminalDecl eof)
Method parameters in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.slr with type arguments of type ProductionDecl | |
Grammar |
SLRTableFactoryMethod.buildGrammar(Collection<? extends ProductionDecl> productions,
Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> starts,
TerminalDecl eof)
Constructors in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.slr with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
LR0Item(ProductionDecl p)
LR0Item(ProductionDecl production,
int dotPlace)
Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.table |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.table that return ProductionDecl | |
abstract ProductionDecl |
GrammarAugmenter.getAugmentingProduction(NonTerminalDecl start,
TerminalDecl eof)
ProductionDecl |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.table with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
I |
TableFactoryMethod.createStartItem(ProductionDecl production,
TerminalDecl eof)
Create the kernel item for the start states |
Method parameters in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.table with type arguments of type ProductionDecl | |
Grammar |
TableFactoryMethod.buildGrammar(Collection<? extends ProductionDecl> productions,
Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> starts,
TerminalDecl eof)
builds the augmented grammar |
static Grammar |
GrammarAugmenter.buildGrammar(Collection<? extends ProductionDecl> productions,
Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> starts,
TerminalDecl eof,
GrammarAugmenter factory)
static ParserTableDecl |
ParserTableDeclFactory.buildTable(AbstractConflictDiagnosticReporter reporter,
Collection<? extends ProductionDecl> productions,
Set<? extends NonTerminalDecl> starts,
TerminalDecl eof,
TerminalDecl error,
Map<VersionDecl,? extends Set<? extends VersionDecl>> versionMap,
ActionDeclFactory actionFactory,
TableFactoryMethod<?> method,
ConflictResolverPolicy conflictResolver,
File log)
Constructors in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.parser.table with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
NodeItem(ProductionDecl production,
int dotPlace)
Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.tools.ast |
Methods in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.tools.ast with parameters of type ProductionDecl | |
ASTNodeBuilder.Creator<ProductionNode> |
ASTNodeBuilder.newFlatNode(ProductionDecl production,
Map<VariableDecl,Type> varMap,
boolean isNonTerminalNotExpressive)
void |
ASTNodeBuilder.setAsNonExpressive(NonTerminalDecl nonTerminal,
ProductionDecl production)
Uses of ProductionDecl in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.tools.generator |
Method parameters in fr.umlv.tatoo.cc.tools.generator with type arguments of type ProductionDecl | |
void |
ToolsGenerator.generate(GeneratorBean bean,
RuleFactory ruleFactory,
GrammarRepository grammarItemsRepository,
EBNFSupport ebnfSupport,
ToolsFactory toolsFactory,
Set<? extends ProductionDecl> astSet)