Package fr.umlv.tatoo.runtime.ast

Interface Summary
Node Represents the interface of all Abstract Syntax Tree.
Node.NoParent A node type used as return type of the method getParent() to indicates that the node is a root node without parent.
Node.NoValue An attribute value type used as return type of the method attributeList() and attributeMap() to indicates that the node has no attribute value.
XMLNodeFactory.AbstractNodeFactory Part of factory that knows how to create an empty no of a specific XML element name.

Class Summary
CompositeNode<N extends Node,P extends Node> Represents a node with a variable number of nodes.
FlatNode<N extends Node,P extends Node,V> Represents a node with a fixed number of children nodes.
NodeVisitor<R,P,D,E extends Throwable> Abstract implementation of a visitor on the AST node.
XML This class contains static methods usefull for serialize/deserialize an AST.
XMLNodeFactory Factory used by XML deserialization in order to create empty node.